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Praise for Killer Girls

Read Our Stellar Review in the Austin Chronicle by Robert Faires

"When the killer girls of this timely satire strike back at abusive bros, revenge is sweet, smart, and hilarious."


"The five sheroes in this new play by local improv luminary Kaci Beeler don't just resist their oppressors, they beat them back, they put them down, they eviscerate them (and that ain't hyperbole)...Beeler, her finger squarely on the pulse of this #MeToo moment, has crafted a dramatic outlet for all the frustration and fury felt by women now."


"And damn if drawing blood on these manipulative, malicious misogynists isn't cathartic – even for the men watching...But getting to that sanguinary climax is half the fun of Killer Girls. Beeler was serious about making this a comedy, and she's brought to the script the same perceptive wit that she uses in her improv work...The pop-culture digs fly as fast and furious as shuriken thrown by shadow warriors, and the cast has the comedic chops to make them hit their marks."


"The title already tells you exactly where this play goes, although it doesn't prepare you for the release you might feel as you watch a band of women, their hands and faces stained with blood, standing unjudged and free."


Killer Girls by American Berserk Theatre opened yesterday and it’s such a fun night of crazy awesome theatre madness. I highly recommend it if you like to dance, laugh, or are a little angry right now. It’s exceptionally cathartic.

Tiffany N.

GO SEE THIS IF YOU LIVE IN AUSTIN. Or even if you don't. It's wonderful, raw, funny, emotional, distressing, amazing theater.

Bobby H.

What a wall-splattering, rip-roaring, fruit and misogyny-slicing, adorably kawaii production! From start to finish I was gob-smacked by every aspect of this show! Lighting/sound/acting/choreo! This show has everything, and made me feel ALL the things.

Danielle D.

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I saw Killer Girls: A Pop Horror Revenge Comedy tonight. I was shook. If you’ve ever felt squashed by patriarchy, it will shake you. It’s hilarious. It’s cathartic. It’s wild. It’s bloody.

Kaci Beeler has written and directed the next step in the “fuck off”s you’ve whispered under your breath. The tight smiles you’ve displayed just so you can go about your day. The polite giggle you’ve developed to disarm potentially dangerous situations. The men in the play, several of whom I count as dear friends, well, I had a hard time talking to them afterward. That’s how affecting the play was.

You should go see it. You should go see it tomorrow.

Courtney H.

Saw American Berserk Theatre's KILLER GIRLS last night and WOW. I knew a pop-horror revenge comedy about gamer girls Scott-Pilgrimming their enemies in an explosion of gore and feminist epiphanies was going to be a lot of silly fun but I don’t think I was prepared for quite how cathartic it would be. There were people—ok women—YELLING in the audience. There was dancing. There were video games. There were hair-raising chills. It was raucous but intimate and totally immersive, thanks in large part to the new Hideout Studios performance space, which gives everyone a front seat to the mayhem. Go see this, and get your tickets now because it’s a small venue. Warning: there will be blood!! 

Amy G.

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